
Do breaks in relationships work? : rBreakUps

Sometimes, taking a break works. But not the petty, 1 and 2 month long breaks. I'm talking about the absolute breakups where it's 100% done and ...

Why couples who love each other decide to take a break?

The break gives both partners a chance to figure out what they want. What they are willing to deal with. If the relationship is worth continuing ...

Has a break in the relationship ever helped anyone?

My husband and I took a break for 7 months. It was helpful in some ways and damaging in others... in the end we both missed our life together ...

What does “taking a break” in a relationship mean to you?

It means the relationship has been severed with the possibility, but not certainty or obligation of resuming in the future. It usually happens ...

Is taking a break from your relationship a good thing?

It's definitely not good, this should be the easiest time in your relationship (in some ways at least). It can still work out between you but you both should ...

Is taking a break possible? : rLongDistance

Breaks usually end relationships but a slowdown in communication could help both of you recenter each other in your personal lives and connect ...

To people who have taken a break in their relationships ...

There is no such thing as a break in a relationship. You don't put your emotions on vacation for one month and then resume the relationship.

Has “taking a break” ever worked for you? : rMarriage

It rarely works. I've never tried it, but I've seen it happen dozens of times. Usually, it doesn't work because the parties don't actually take a break.

What does taking a break actually mean, and entail?

This guy is not in the right headspace for a relationship or he just wants to keep you in his back pocket while exploring other options.

Is taking a break a sign that the relationship is going to end?

Taking a break is a polite way of saying its been over for a while. Its rough but life is too short and you will meet someone who will love ...


Sometimes,takingabreakworks.Butnotthepetty,1and2monthlongbreaks.I'mtalkingabouttheabsolutebreakupswhereit's100%doneand ...,Thebreakgivesbothpartnersachancetofigureoutwhattheywant.Whattheyarewillingtodealwith.Iftherelationshipisworthcontinuing ...,MyhusbandandItookabreakfor7months.Itwashelpfulinsomewaysanddamaginginothers...intheendwebothmissedourlifetogether ...,Itmeanstherelationshiphasbeense...